Welcome to Aciron’s Business Applications Blog

From workflow automation to user interfaces and beyond, we have insider knowledge that we can’t wait to share with you. Our technology consultants are experts in the design and implementation of various business applications. Browse our blog posts and head over to our case studies page where you can see us bring some of these topics to life.

Ultimate Guide to Workflow Automation

Do you ever find yourself doing the same things over and over again, and wish there was an easier way? Repetitive tasks may be necessary for your company’s operations, but they don’t have to be so time-consuming. Keep reading to learn what it is, why it matters, and how your business can get started with workflow automation.

Design Tips and Tricks

As expert consultants, we have a few tricks up our sleeves when it comes to making a design pop. Discover our insider take on the color grey. That’s right, in this blog we talk all about GREY, and how to make it work for your business design.

Color Coding Know-Hows

Color-coding in UX can be a powerful tool for business applications. Not only do colors communicate how data is structured, but they also make the user experience more enjoyable. Let’s look at how utilizing color-coding can bring order to complex systems.

User Interfaces & Type Hierarchy

The most important design decisions a consultant must make when prototyping user interfaces of an application have to do with type.

Typographical hierarchy is the assignment of type attributes to establish an order of importance within written data.

SQL vs. noSQL

In today’s world, many have heard of SQL and NoSQL. However, there is still confusion about when to use each. Let’s begin by defining SQL and NoSQL. Relational database is another name for SQL databases. Non-relational or distributed database is another name for NoSQL databases. Although SQL’s are more common, more businesses are continuing to adopt NoSQL databases.